Living and Working with Robots (LWR) is an interdisciplinary research ‘collaboratory’ that is dedicated to studying and developing service robots in the communities where they will be used, rather than just in academic and industry labs. It is part of UT’s grand challenge for Good Systems which aims to foster the design of AI technology to benefit society. It brings together thirteen researchers from Computer Science, Aerospace Engineering, English, Communication Studies, Robotics, and the School of Information. As part of this team, I’m currently co-leading a set of projects to better understand the users of (near-future) domestic service robots.
C3Po by Lyman Hansel Gerona via Unsplash
Community-Embedded Robotics
A spin-off team from LWR received a National Science Foundation Growing Convergence Grant to design and build a ‘robot observatory’ on our university campus. Here, researchers from multiple disciplines will study how robots interact with changing groups of people in real-world environments — with the goal of widening the scope of robotics research to include the communities they impact and co-evolve with. I’m Senior Personnel on this project, currently helping the team to account for critical aspects of technology use, including how to value resistant responses to technology deployments as a source of design feedback.
The grant award received coverage in USA Today and KVUE news. It was also a feature article in Texas Monthly, “It’s Okay to Fear the Robot Dogs Coming to UT.”