08.24 - Our new article '‘Dis//Assemblages of AI’ was published in a special issue of Information, Communication & Society on platforms, power and frictions. It’s about how the on-the-ground workers who repair and sustain AI systems also reimagine, resist and transform them.

07.24 - I was a guest on AI for the Rest of Us — you can listen to the podcast episode here. One thing we discussed: Even as the U.S. has seen a 60% increase in productivity over the last 20 years, we don’t really see social benefits of less work or higher wages (and that was before generative AI!) We will have to work together to make sure the gains offered by AI create a better future of work for everyone, not just increased profits and productivity for corporations.

06.24 - Two keynote talks at the annual meetings of the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative and the Strategic Horizon Network, both about adopting AI in organizations with a sense of informed empowerment.